Backcountry Photography (2011)
Fall in the Adirondacks. This photo set includes shots taken during the Backcountry Photography course I instructed for COE in the Fall of 2011. The course went into the field with a dozen people and we set about hitting as many beautiful locations as we could over the course of six days. Our stops includes the Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness, Eighth Lake, and a handful of other off-the-map locations.
- Co-instructor Jake looks on the class happily
- The stillest water in a roadside streambed, shot upside down
- Another roadside reflection
- A student takes a photo after our hike to the mountaintop
- Another student rests looking across the valley
- Xing Cai perches himself precariously to get the shot
- My favorite lean-to wakes up facing the lake with this amazing view
- Jake leaves his camera momentarily
- The instructors give Xing Cai a well deserved photo op
- A frog basks in the the morning sun, just barely out of water
- Waterside boulders at dawn
- A foggy morning on the lake